Summer 2020

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“From the food in your fridge to the shoes on your feet, the everyday products we sometimes take for granted would not be here if it didn’t arrive on a truck.

To commercial drivers across Canada, and the world, and to all frontline workers – healthcare, shippers, cashiers and more – thank you for all you do.”

Chris Nash, President
Alberta Motor Transport Association


  “When adversity struck Saskatchewan, it was a truck driver that kept things moving. The trucking industry plays a vital role in delivering the goods and services we in Saskatchewan rely on. The Saskatchewan Trucking Association knows that trucking is a purpose-driven industry and that those working in it are passionate about their profession. The #thankatrucker campaign brought attention to the industry that it has not seen before and we saw our province take pride for those who were working in this vital industry from offering hot meals to cheering for trucks as they moved along the highway. The Saskatchewan Trucking Association is committed to our members and delivering the Saskatchewan way of life.”

Susan Ewart, Executive Director
Saskatchewan Trucking Association


“On behalf of the members and staff of the Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA), I would like to say thank you to everyone in Manitoba’s trucking industry for their hard work, determination, and flexibility over the past two months.
At the MTA, we have always said that the one constant in our industry is change and the people in our industry have certainly risen to the occasion these past weeks. Entire workplaces have been moved to living rooms, basements, and home offices throughout the province. Shops have been re-designed to ensure physical distancing requirements are met. Trucking’s suppliers and associated trades have kept the industry moving, showing their support for our carriers every step of the way. And of course, the drivers have kept it all moving in spite of some very challenging working conditions that were constantly changing early
in the pandemic.

As an essential service, we have in many ways been fortunate in that we have not had to turn off the lights; however, we have not gone untouched. Carriers and associated trades have had to lay off drivers
and staff. Sales have dropped.

We have seen freight numbers plummet as empty miles increase. 

We will persevere, as we always have. For that dedication, focus, and trust, I want to thank everyone in the trucking industry for their continued support as we work to advocate, support, and educate to ensure a safe and healthy business environment for the trucking industry.”

Terry Shaw, Executive Director
Manitoba Trucking Association



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